“Like how they used rehab/treatment with Kanye and Eminem.” “Using a facial injury to introduce a lookalike or clone wouldn’t be that surprising,” they wrote. Fueled with questions, redditors started taking their conspiracy theories to crazy new heights by speculating that the country star is now an Illuminati clone. To make the whole thing even more baffling was when, earlier this week, Carrie continued the mystery about her face by uploading a selfie that had her mouth hidden with a red X. #enditmovementĪ post shared by Carrie Underwood on at 11:05am PST Together, we’re in it to end it! Help us shine a light on modern day slavery. However, we did a little digging of our own and found that Carrie also owns a cabin in the Nashville area that, judging by a screenshot taken from an episode of Oprah’s Next Chapter, looks very steep. Either the world is being its usual weird self or we’re about 2 years away from an expose on domestic abuse in the Underwood household.”Īnother fan pointed out that the steps outside of Carrie’s Nashville home didn’t look very steep - definitely not high enough for someone to sustain such severe injuries. Meanwhile Carrie Underwood has 50 stitches from ‘falling at home’.
Carrie underwood face accident driver#
“The whole thing seems fishy to me.” Another tweeted, “I’ve seen videos of mega car crashes and the driver walk away from it fine. “How do we know Carrie Underwood ‘fell’ and this wasn’t abuse by someone else?” a fan wrote. Could it have possibly been a cover for something else? That’s what fans on Twitter thought. Forty stitches are a lot for a simple fall down the stairs. Right off the bat, fans started to question the validity of her story. After all, the entire accident was laced with questions that still hadn’t been answered, which made the story appear mysterious. It was around this time that the conspiracy theorists couldn’t help but reach for their tinfoil hats. “When in 5-degree weather, wrap your scarf around your neck and face…you keep warm AND look like an awesome winter snow ninja!” she captioned the photo. Shortly after these public statements, Carrie uploaded this picture on Instagram that showed the bottom half of her face hidden with a scarf. When in 5 degree weather, wrap your scarf around your neck and face…you keep warm AND look like an awesome winter snow ninja! #WinWin #StayThePath #LetItSnow #BabyItsColdOutside ❄️ ⛄️Ī post shared by Carrie Underwood on at 12:30pm PST

“When I am ready to get in front of a camera, I want you all to understand why I might look a bit different.”

“I’m still healing and not looking quite the same,” she wrote on Twitter. Falling down some cement stairs can easily knock out a few teeth or break a nose, so her initial comments about her face fracture made total sense. In addition to breaking my wrist, I somehow managed to injure my face as well.” We were all heartbroken when the pop star made this candid admission about her freak accident.

“It’s crazy how a freak random accident can change your life. “There is also another part of the story that I haven’t been ready to talk about since I have still been living it and there has been much uncertainty as to how things will end up,” the American Idol winner revealed last year. And hey, since this is the Internet, people have already come up with some wild theories for the country superstar’s injury. But over time as the 34-year-old continued to hide her face from the public, uploading mysterious selfies that concealed the bottom half of her face, fans started to find the whole thing rather mysterious. When Carrie Underwood revealed last year that a fall outside her Nashville home caused her to fracture her wrist and injure her face, requiring 40 stitches, fans were understandably concerned.